KID ROCK Says He 'Could Care Less' About 'Continuous Attacks' From Left-Wing Media, Announces 'Career Documentary'

September 14, 2020

Kid Rock says that he "could care less" about the "continuous attacks" from the left-wing media as he prepares to join President Donald Trump's son, Donald Trump Jr., at a Michigan event to promote the president's re-election campaign Monday (September 14).

Earlier today, Kid Rock took to his Instagram to share a photo of him getting steroid shots at the doctor's office, and he included the following message:

"In case anyone is not clear on how much I support our President…

"Myself and Don Jr have a rally tonight in Macomb County Michigan for his re-election.

"I have been dealing with neck issues for years (from performing like I do for the past 30 years) and spent the morning at the Dr's office getting 2 Steroid shots, one in my ass and the other in my neck, etc, etc.

"Would make sense to cancel my appearance, but NO WAY! I will be there and will give it everything I have this evening.

"That is how important getting POTUS re-elected is too me and I could care less about the continuous attacks from the left wing media, etc, that have been going on for over 4 years now. It's the reason I have turned down countless interviews and TV appearances as I refuse to be their click bait.

"I am currently filming a career documentary and will address EVERYTHING in it, on my own terms, to be released next year with new music and schedule one last monster tour (2021??) that will kick my critics in their ass and give all the love I have to the fans. (R U Scared?)


"#Trump2020 - Kid Rock

"PS - I said years ago that TIME OUTS AND LAST PLACE TROPHIES would come back to haunt us!"

The "Make America Great Again" event, which is being held at Bumpers Landing Boat Club in Harrison Township, will also feature Kimberly Guilfoyle, Trump Jr.'s girlfriend who serves as the president's senior advisor.

The rally will be held at 7 p.m. General admission is free, but registration is mandatory.

This past January, Kid Rock posed for a photo at Trump International Golf Club in Palm Beach, Florida, with Donald Trump Jr. The musician, whose real name is Robert James Ritchie, was wearing a t-shirt mocking House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, who helped lead both House Democrats' impeachment inquiry and the House intelligence committee's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Back in 2016, Kid Rock showed his support for the president by selling a line of Trump-themed T-shirts. Among them was a shirt that Rock was photographed wearing, on which states that voted red were labeled "The United States of America" and states that went blue were called "Dumbfuckistan." Another shirt said "God, Guns And Trump," while a third read "_onald Trump: The 'D' is missing because it's in every hater's mouth."

Rock first announced his support for Trump in early 2016, telling Rolling Stone: "I'm digging Trump. I feel like a lot of people, whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, feel like if you get Hillary or Bernie, or you get Rubio or Cruz or whoever, there's going to be the same shit... My feeling: let the motherfucking business guy run it like a fucking business. And his campaign has been entertaining as shit."

Rock, who generally leans to the right, also supported Mitt Romney in 2012.

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In case anyone is not clear on how much I support our President… Myself and Don Jr have a rally tonight in Macomb County Michigan for his re-election. I have been dealing with neck issues for years (from performing like I do for the past 30 years) and spent the morning at the Dr’s office getting 2 Steroid shots, one in my ass and the other in my neck, etc, etc. Would make sense to cancel my appearance, but NO WAY! I will be there and will give it everything I have this evening. That is how important getting POTUS re-elected is too me and I could care less about the continuous attacks from the left wing media, etc, that have been going on for over 4 years now. It's the reason I have turned down countless interviews and TV appearances as I refuse to be their click bait. I am currently filming a career documentary and will address EVERYTHING in it, on my own terms, to be released next year with new music and schedule one last monster tour (2021??) that will kick my critics in their ass and give all the love I have to the fans. (R U Scared?) "AIN’T NOBODY GONNA TELL ME HOW TO LIVE" (new song?)???? #Trump2020 - Kid Rock PS - I said years ago that TIME OUTS AND LAST PLACE TROPHIES would come back to haunt us!

A post shared by Kid Rock (@kidrock) on

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